четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Qld: AMAQ launch say no to no-gap campaign

Qld: AMAQ launch say no to no-gap campaign

Doctors say private health insurance companies offering no-gap products are unfairlylimiting the choice of specialists to patients.

Launching a "Say No to No Gaps" campaign, Australian Medical Association Queenslandpresident Dr BILL GLASSON says insurance companies are dictating what specialist a patientshould consult.

He says it is GPs in consultation with patients who should be deciding who is the mostappropriate specialist for them to see -- not somebody sitting on the front desk of ahealth fund.

Dr GLASSON says some health funds are reducing the rebate for clients who see a specialistnot on their preferred provider list.

AAP RTV nr/sc/jh/rt


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